Natural Empordà by Susanna Cots

Natural Empordà is a project designed by Susanna Cots. Cast off the layers: of history, of paint, of stone, of emo4ons. A 300-year-old home ends up superimposing the layers of 4me, one on top of the other. They will mutate in a way that is far removed from the original. Even though 4me has led us to address different needs in terms of comfort, the emo4ons are the same: well-being, family, refuge. This is where we?ve returned to with this design. We?ve returned home. Photography by Mauricio Fuertes.
Making the complex simple
In this 300 m² home in Empordà, the star5ng point was authen5city: restoring it and reconnec5ng with it. It was a complex brief where, in addi5on to working in a space that?s over 300 years old, a design that allowed connec5on and in5macy was sought. Authen4city in nature
Returning to the purity of nature brought with it a process of acceptance and respect. Understanding that this home doesn?t even contain a right angle helped us to appreciate and value the beauty of imperfec5on and pay tribute to it.
Just like nature itself.
Looking not only for inspira5on but also for prac5cality, lime mortar was chosen for the con5nuous paving, allowing the floors to breathe and preven5ng moisture.
The ceiling beams and Catalan vault have also been restored and painted in white, to work on the concept of unity and give light to all the rooms. It is a colour that represents the essence of this project.
Likewise, all the furniture, c...
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Apartments in Estrela by Vasco Lima Mayer
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